Fixed right or it's free!


If you are not 100% satisfied with the service we have provided, we will refund all of your money. If our technician(s) smoke, swear, are not drug free, do not wear medical shoe covers, or leave your home without cleaning up, you do not pay for the service.


We guarantee that the repairs on your equipment are fixed right or the repair is free. If a repair fails during the season, we will repair it again absolutely free. Specific repairs are guaranteed for two years or the repair is free!


We guarantee that the equipment we have installed in your home will perform as we have stated. If the system does not heat or cool your home to your satisfaction, we will replace it at no charge or remove it and refund your investment.

Check out a more detailed explanation of our specific guarantees for repair service and replacements on our Residential Repair and Replacement page!

Tech Seal of Safety
Tech Seal of Safety
Comfort Qualified

"You guys are great! We love our new system. You were inside my house for two days and I never even heard you working! And, you even brought me coffee!!!"
Sarah, West Linn, OR


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